ISOCS Newsletter Summer 2011

Message from the President

It is a pleasure and an honour to introduce myself as the new ISOCS president for the next two years. I have been serving as Vice-President for the last two years, doing my best to support our former President Julian W. Gardner. I was proposed by the ISOCS Executive in the General Assembly held on 3rd May 2011, at the Rockefeller University, New York, with the occasion of the 14th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose. Previous presidents Prof. J. Gardner and Prof. U. Weimar, have been long-lasting leaders of our community, much before the actual foundation of ISOCS. I remember my first oral presentation in chemical sensors in Eurosensors, Budapest-1993, as a fresh post-doc, being just after Prof. Gardner talking about the history of electronic noses. I believe that the best way to thank them is to keep working towards the advancement and consolidation of our community. In this spirit, I gladly accept this responsibility, and I hope to count on your help for an exciting bi-annual term.

Prof. Julian Gardner handling over presidency to Prof. Santiago Marco

At the same meeting, Prof. Giorgio Sberveglieri was elected to be Vice-President for a period of two years. The rest of the ISOCS Executive is Prof. Julian W. Gardner (UK) as Treasurer and Dr. Jan Mitrovics (DE) as Secretary. It is a pleasure to have all of them on board, and I would like to specially thank all of them for  their willingness to keep serving our community.

We just had an exciting, well attended ISOEN in Manhattan in May 2011 (See report below), that opens new hopes for society growth. Thank you Prof. Perena Gouma and team. You did a great job with perfect organization of the whole event.

A number of activities that are relevant to our community are expected for this academic year. I just would like to mention some of them:
i) 11-14 Sept 2011, the International Conference in Breath Research is taking place in Parma Italy,
ii) 20-13 May 2012 in Nuremberg, Germany we will have the 14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors. Keeping with the tradition of ISOCS of providing training short courses a short course will take place 12 to 17 January 2012 focused on Data Processing and Odour Robots (see announcement below). Applications for the organization of a summer school are currently being evaluated.

ISOCS is still a young society, and the active involvement of everyone is needed. Please, fill free to contact the executive for any proposal, activity or comment. Volunteering efforts are most welcome. On the other hand, if you have been working in the community for years, or if you are newcomer, why not join our community? Interesting membership packages for students, researchers and institutions can be found on our webpage. Joining our community will keep you in contact with the latest research in the field, reduced fees for ISOCS events, access to past event documentation, to the society internet site services (profiles, twitter, job posting, etc). I look forward meeting you in future ISOCS events.

Santiago Marco, September 2011

Recap ISOEN 2011 in New York


Last 3-5 May 2011, the 14th edition of the International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose was held in the Rockefeller University, in Manhattan New York. During three days, the last advances in chemical sensor arrays were presented.
There were focused sessions on optical sensor arrays, cell-based sensors, signal and data processing, new materials, biomimetic computations, applications in quality control, environmental, biomedical, safety and security electronic tongues. The conference was attended by 158 participants.

The conference was opened with a lecture by Prof. Leslie B. Vosshall (Rockefeller University, USA) on the molecular neurobiology of smell.
Other plenary talks were given by: Prof. Kenneth Suslick (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) on colorimetric sensor arrays,
Prof. Akiyoshi Taniguchi (Waseda University, Japan) on Live-cell based sensors,
Prof. Conrad Bessant (Cranfield University, UK) on pattern recognition for machine olfaction, and
Prof. Erica Thaler (University of Pennsylvania, USA) on rhinological applications of e-noses.

The Conference Banquet took place in a Cruise along the Hudson River, with magnificient views of the Manhattan Skyline. At the Banquet the Wolfgang Göpel Award was given to Barani Raman (Washington University, USA) for his talk on “Odor recognition vs. classification in Artificial Olfaction”.

Prof. Barani and wife

The Industrial Award sponsored by AlphaMOS was given to Bola Oladipupo  from AFB International (St. Charles, MO, USA) for her presentation: “Application of Combined Electronic Nose and Tongue Technology in Petfood Flavor Development and Quality Control”.

Dr. Sandrine Isz (AlphaMOS), Bola Oladipupo (AFB International), Genevieve Carayon (AlphaMOS)

ISOCS Events

ISOCS Short Course Winter 2012, 12-17 January 2012, Kühtai, Austria on Data Analysis, Robotics and Mobile Applications of Chemical Sensors

The Short Course is held at the Sporthotel Kühtai located in the highest ski resort of Austria, about 30km west of Innsbruck. It will cover fundamental concepts of chemical sensors systems and data analysis with a special focus on mobile applications. An introduction to robotics and practical examples of mobile robots with chemical sensors will deliver hands on experience. We have put together an exciting program that will provide attendees with both theoretical background and practical experience in the above areas.

Lecturers will include Prof. Julian Gardner, Prof. Antonio Pardo, Dr. Marco Trincavelli and Dr. Jan Mitrovics. The School is residential and the program allows plenty of scope for networking with lecturers and attendees. Lectures take place in the morning, with the afternoon free for participants to network, consolidate their knowledge or enjoy the outdoors. We encourage people to ski in the afternoon and we have amongst us, the organizers, some keen skiers. Discussion sessions and labs resume in the early evening.

For more information visit ISOCS Short Course Winter 2012 – ISOCS (

Other events

Breath Summit 2011, International Conference on Breath Resesarch, 11-14 September 2011, Parma, Italy

The Summit provided a forum to clinicians, scientists, engineers, and environmentalists to present their latest findings and to meet industry executives and entrepreneurs to discuss key trends, future directions, and upcoming technologies in breath analysis. Relevant applications included non-invasive diagnosis of respiratory and non-respiratory diseases, assessment of exposure to environmental pollutants, and bioterrorism / security issues. Each session included a lecture addressing physiological bases and methodological issues and selected contributions on relevant clinical applications.
There were 222 registered participants from 33 countries. The opening lecture was given by Prof. P.J. Barnes (Imperial College London) on “Exhaled Breath Biomarkers”.

Future Events

Sensors 2011: The 10th Annual IEEE Conference on Sensors, 28-31 Oct 2011, Limerick, Ireland

IEEE SENSORS 2011 is intended to provide a common forum for research scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings ideas, developments and applications in the area of sensors and sensing technology.

IMCS 2012-The 14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, May 20-23, 2012

The 14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS-14) is the world`s largest interdisciplinary forum on all aspects of chemical sensors encompassing physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering disciplines including biomedical engineering.
In 2012, IMCS-14 is held jointly with the world`s largest sensor fair, the SENSOR+TEST in Nürnberg/Nuremberg, Germany. The IMCS-14 is organized by the University of Bayreuth and Supported by the Association for Sensor Technology (AMA, DE).
IMCS 2012 – The 14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors
Deadline for abstract submission: 21st Dec 2011

Sensors Expo & Conference, 6-7 June 2012, Rosemont, IL, USA